The trivii group professionals understand that success is not achieved by accident but rather, strategically.
In the medical practices of the 18th century, Austrian Dr. Franz Anton Mesmer advocated for a more esoteric approach to Western medical practices, including the application of astronomy, hypnotherapy and magnets on human health. He believed that every individual had magnetic fluid that flowed throughout the body and that blockages in the flow caused emotional, mental or physical distress or (dis-ease).
In the 21st century, esteemed Stanford University Professor and Associate Chair of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, Dr. David Spiegel purported, "Hypnosis is the oldest Western form of psychotherapy...it is a very powerful means of changing the way we use our minds to control perception and our bodies".
By combining behavior enhancing techniques with a strategic and personalized approach, clients are able to address areas that compromise healthy living or impede their professional goals in the following areas (but not limited to):
Anxiety/Stress; Business/Finance; Concentration; Performance
With that history and spirit in mind, the trivii group emerged, bringing a combined methodology of therapeutic techniques, personalized and tailored to serve our clients.